Home > Tapes > Novelty Tape > Duck 48mmx15y Fl. Green (PACK)

Duck 48mmx15y Fl. Green (PACK)

Duck 48mmx15y Fl. Green (PACK)

Duck Brand ‘Novelty’ Duct Tapes

* Small investment – Big Impact – Huge Return
* Great for Themed Events, Corporate Team Building, as a “novelty accent” or simply for color coding. Let your imagination be your guide.
* Short Rolls (10-15Yrds)
* Small Case Packs
* Made in the USA

Also available in Checkered, ChromeDigital CamoDragon RedFlamesLeopardPaint SplatterSkullsTie Dye BlueZebraFl. OrangeFl. Pink and Fl. Yellow.

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Kwik-Cover Sets 30" x 8' Pattern (PACK)
Double-Faced Paper Tape (1 Inch) (Roll)
Duct (Carpet) Tape - General Purpose (3 Inch)(Roll)
Kwik-Cover Sets 30" x 8' Pattern (PACK) Double-Faced Paper Tape (1 Inch) (Roll) Duct (Carpet) Tape - General Purpose (3 Inch)(Roll)
Barricade Tape (3 Inch)
Electrical Assortment Pack
Event Zone (EZ) Tape (3 Inch) (ROLL)
Barricade Tape (3 Inch) Electrical Assortment Pack Event Zone (EZ) Tape (3 Inch) (ROLL)
Kwik-Cover 48" Round Colors (PACK)
Cable Path (4 Inch) - BK, YL, BK/YLW (Roll)
Electrical Tape (3/4 Inch) - Colors
Kwik-Cover 48" Round Colors (PACK) Cable Path (4 Inch) - BK, YL, BK/YLW (Roll) Electrical Tape (3/4 Inch) - Colors

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