Home > Tapes > Novelty Tape > Duck 48mmx10y Chrome (PACK)

Duck 48mmx10y Chrome (PACK)

Duck 48mmx10y Chrome (PACK)

Duck Brand ‘Novelty’ Duct Tapes

* Small investment – Big Impact – Huge Return
* Great for Themed Events, Corporate Team Building, as a “novelty accent” or simply for color coding. Let your imagination be your guide.
* Short Rolls (10-15Yrds)
* Small Case Packs
* Made in the USA

Also available in Checkered, Digital CamoDragon RedFlamesLeopardPaint SplatterSkullsTie Dye BlueZebraFl. GreenFl. OrangeFl. Pink and Fl. Yellow.

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Electrical Tape (3/4 Inch) - Colors
Duck 48mmx15y FL. Orange (PACK)
Kwik-Cover Sets 30" x 8' Pattern (PACK)
Electrical Tape (3/4 Inch) - Colors Duck 48mmx15y FL. Orange (PACK) Kwik-Cover Sets 30" x 8' Pattern (PACK)
Double-Faced Paper Tape (1 Inch) (Roll)
Duct (Carpet) Tape - General Purpose (3 Inch)(Roll)
Barricade Tape (3 Inch)
Double-Faced Paper Tape (1 Inch) (Roll) Duct (Carpet) Tape - General Purpose (3 Inch)(Roll) Barricade Tape (3 Inch)
Electrical Assortment Pack
Event Zone (EZ) Tape (3 Inch) (ROLL)
Kwik-Cover 48" Round Colors (PACK)
Electrical Assortment Pack Event Zone (EZ) Tape (3 Inch) (ROLL) Kwik-Cover 48" Round Colors (PACK)

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